Single Review: Coffin Mulch – Into The Blood

Festering out of the sewers once more, Scotland’s death metal joyously grotesque Coffin Mulch  return with their first single “Into the Blood” from upcoming second album “Spectral Intercession”


Right from the very beginning of “Into The Blood” the grittiness is very apparent, layers of riffs piled on top of another like a discarded pile of skulls,

The tempo that runs throughout  is disturbed between maniacal and slow purposeful delivery that all the leads back to the tracks main riff. “Into The Blood” is laden with  great bass lines alongside solos and furious drum patterns that all come together with the primal delivery of the vocals.

This track is certainly one of the most attacking tracks that Coffin Mulch have released so far and all I can say in this case is brace yourself for the upcoming onslaught of Album no.2


Rick Eaglestone

Coffin Mulch: facebook | bandcamp 


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