Midnight Betrothed – Death…My Faithful Bride

Australia’s Midnight Betrothed present their second album Death…My Faithful Bride – a collection of six tracks that delve into the depths of dark romanticism, celebrating moonlit tragedy and forlorn love.



Consisting of solitary member The Seer, Midnight Betrothed newest release starts of with the sombre piano laden intro and title track “Death…My Faithful Bride” which is then followed up with “The Shadows of Your Memory” (When You Held Your Hand in Mine) which has a beautiful balance of raw vampiric black metal with overtures of romanticism.

A deathly sense of fantasia fills “A Rainy Day in the Middle of February” which again incorporates some wonderful tones and elements and then the album moves into its standout moment “Tabula Rasa” has thunderous drum patterns with synth parts woven in throughout as well atmospheric notes that are particularly captivating.

Once again the piano once again takes prominence for longest track of the release “Julianne” is an exemplary example of The Seer’s talent and is a wonderful showcase for the album overall. Finally  Death…My Faithful Bride concludes with “My Flesh…In Humble Servitude” which highlights the  more romantic and sombre approach the album takes and it is genuinely been something that has been really creative and enjoyable to listen to in its entirety. 

Afterwards I went on to explore debut album Dreamless and demo Indulge in Eternity which are also worthy of your time and attention.


Death…My Faithful Bride is available now via Northern Silence Productions


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