Category: Retrospective

Retrospective: Daylight Dies – Dismantling Devotion

Older readers will know this already but I started this blog because I wanted to rekindle my love for the music I grew up listening to. I used to religiously read Kerrang! then when my tastes changed I moved to Metal Hammer. Then Terrorizer and Zero Tolerance. I was constantly seeking out new cool bands. For some reason, life got in the way and I stopped seeking out new music. Since picking up this blog and rekindling my listening habits, I have not only discovered hundreds of new bands that I now love, but entire genres are opening up to me now that I’m a little older and wiser.

I now have to face an embarrassing truth. Even when I was seeking out new music, I was pretty stuck in my ways, and a little bit of a poser. There are tonnes of classic albums that are now 15/20 years old or older that I have never even heard of, never mind heard. And this opens up even wider now that I know I am actually a fan of doom. This is why these first few Retrospectives will feature classics from this neck of the woods. I’m kicking off this series with an album I’d never heard by a band I didn’t know existed: Dismantling Devotion by Daylight Dies. (more…)